Are you planning a long holiday far from home and require to be able to access digital materials? Don't forget digital materials!
I'd like to tell you an account of my recent Arctic cruise. It sounded wonderful National Geographic's journey through the Arctic ice with polar bears. There was going be the ice where eyes can see, snow, and ice everywhere. Man-made tools were used to defeat the elements and move through the frozen wilderness of the northern wilderness. It sounded like a huge task, a huge battle with the weather and the pole.
I was advised to carry the maximum amount of technology I could fit in my suitcases. flvto alternative I was able to fit my laptop, and also add a big screen to expand my working space. The staff assured me that the electricity was not an issue. It would be a tough task and I was unsure what to anticipate. I did not know that two days into my 14-day journey I would lose my Internet connection and be without internet for 10 days. It was a complete shock to me when it happened. No trip, regardless of how far or difficult, will result in the loss of connection from technology. There was no doubt that there was unfinished business I had to address in the week that followed, but I also didn't prepare myself for the time off.
These days nobody really cares about being forced to shut down. Internet is everywhere. If your home network is experiencing temporary problems, it is possible to go to an area McDonalds and utilize their complimentary WiFi connection to complete whatever you need. It is possible to bring your laptop into Starbucks and set up a table at the counter and surf the Internet until you're done. There is no restaurant or cafe to aid you from north. You're hours from the closest generator which produces electricity. You can't get free internet anywhere. There are two escape routes from these situations. You can be offline or bring the internet via satellite.

I am unable to afford an expensive satellite phone. It's too expensive particularly to get Internet access. Before I go out in the unknown, I will have a large collection of audio and videos. The last time I was on the road, I had two tracks. Both were downloaded in a very slow way at the time, and I had only 3 jazz songs , and a popular song that I didn't know its title. It's that simple. 4 songs over 2 weeks of nothingness. If I had known this would happen, I would prepare. I would have packed my computer with shows from television, movies, and lots of music videos. I could spend hours listening to my most-loved podcasts. It's simple to download them, then convert them to mp3 to save to my laptop. Then, I could just sit in my bedroom and listen to all the things I enjoy at home, but I never had the time. This would have been my gold hour and would have been two weeks' worth of gold. However, it was actually two weeks of looking at the ceiling and trying to catch passengers every time there was a noise from the corridors.
The trip was empty both literally and figuratively.. I've never been this bored. The ice was too thick. I knew that this was likely to cause problems. Therefore, the boat had to turn and pull back to the shores of civilization. This was not a surprise but it did mean that endless hours of idle time could have been utilized to listen to podcasts , or watch videos for DIY home repair, as well as simply listening to music. The next time I'll convert Youtube videos into mp4 and mp3 format on my laptop, then bring them along and listen to my favourite tunes on my laptop. Music is never going to make you feel sad. Hulu as well as Netflix apps are able to download movies and shows offline. You can also take them with you on your long arctic trek. However, don't let it get you down. Best of luck!